Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So I was checking my bank account today and realized we got paid so I went to my cable company to pay my internet bill. This took about 5 minutes. I went back to look at my bank account to figure up something else and WHAM.. there's a charge for just shy of $500 pending on my account from some company thats similar to ebay but is for electronics. J called the bank and apparently someone had used his bank card on line today. The bank said they couldn't file a claim until the charge went from "processing" to "cleared". I am thankful that the bank will put the money back into my account but can't they just deny the charge since it's still pending? I thank God that this happend the day we got paid. If not I would have a lot of overdraft fees. Bills can wait a bit to be paid once the claim goes through. Oh well we're not the only ones who have/will be hit with this crap. People who do this a selfish and greedy and need to be taught a lesson!