Friday, March 25, 2011

Really? To mow the lawn?

So we have decided to rent out our home in NC. We did a lot of cleaning and repairing before we left. That paid off because there are only a couple things to be done after 3 months of not being there. Fixing the smoke alarm, cleaning the refrigerator and mowing the lawn. The rental people tell me that people charge $65 to mow our lawn? Really? I know we have a pretty big back yard but it can't be that bad! We just got over winter! In addition, we paid a lady $125 to clean our house (sweeping, mopping, clearing cobwebs, cleaning the appliances) after we left. Someone, either her or the realtor, closed the fridge door when there was still moisture and now there's a bunch of mold all in the bottom of it! Arguh!!!! Stupid little things. But at least we are hoping it rents out fast. We are sending the repairs/cleaning money so they can get it all taken care of and start showing it.
I feel a bit apprehensive about this renting thing. I know we set aside money for 2 mortgage payments if no one rents it. I am worried about if something big happens like we have to replace a water heater or there's massive water damage or the AC breaks. We don't really have that much money to fix, but as landlords we would have to do that. Plus what if we get people in there that really tear it up? I know there is a security deposit, but what if the cost to repair damages is more than their deposit?? I just wish we could have sold it, it would be much easier.
Another side of renting our home out is how will this affect our taxes next year? So much to think about. I mean J and I have thought a lot about it and we've asked many questions. But anything can go wrong - then what? I'm having trouble not knowing what is going to happen with this situation. Oh well, life goes on.

Friday, March 18, 2011

My children are weird

Children are so crazy sometimes. I am really trying to get stuff put away and cleaned up from moving and all I normally hear is fighting or crying. It's when it gets silent that I know I need to check on the girls. So, this morning as I am putting away the clean dishes and was about to move on to putting clothes away, I recognized the silence. I checked the girls' room and they wern't there and then I hear whispers and giggles from the pantry area. I opened the curtain and there they were. Sitting on towels, with pillows and babies... STARK NAKED! What in the world?!?! I never did get a straight answer about what they were doing. One said the "babies were sleeping", the other said "babies taking a bath". Why they were naked, I have no idea. Oh, and also they are on this eating binge or something. I mean I feed them plenty of food but they are constantly getting into the fruit snacks and string cheese. Lately they have also been just getting and eating a plain slice of bread out of the fridge. At least those all are better than what they were doing in North Carolina. I would go into their room and find them with a tub of butter, a container of sour cream and 2 spoons. OY! Well, off to put a cartoon on for them so that I maybe can get this stuff all put away and arranged. Ta ta!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Here we go...

So I am now officially signed up with Weight Watchers online! I'm excited! Got to go get a book and a scale and lots of fruits and veggies! I've been playing around with the website and found tasty-sounding recepies that I can cook. The hard part is going to get Jeremy to measure things out and write down what he puts in his meals so I can calculate my points.
Despite some sad times these last couple months, things are coming together. We've moved to our own place, set in motion plans to rent out our house in NC, getting our new bed and washer/dryer this weekend, and getting my health back on track! God is so great! And he has blessed me with wonderful in-laws that have been helpful and supportive with all that's going on.
I have got to get this house in order before the weekend--it's so chaotic right now. Boxes everywhere, trash bags piling up (we will have a trash can on Friday, thank goodness), and odds and ends strewn about looking for their rightful place. Just taking it one thing at a time or I'll drive myself crazy! Off to do a few puzzles then hitting the pillow. Night all!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ode to Liberty

So when we moved into this place our landlord said we were to have no pets. So I had a hard time figuring out what to do with her. I wanted to give her to a loving home but the time seemed to fly and we were moved into the house pretty quick. I thought about how we had her outside in North Carolina and she stayed around the house pretty close. But I was scared cuz Arizona is vastly different. We live in a very rural/country area (dirt roads and animals). But what else could I do? So we just put her outside and left food and water on the poarch. We saw her for 2 days and then nothing for the next 5. I figured her for dead but it didn't sadden me for some reason. Maybe cuz it wasn't in proximity to me or I didn't actually see her body
But then tonight, as we got home from church and were about to close the door, she meowed and we all gathered around the door only to find she was missing an eye. First of all I started to cry (me and my stupid womanly emotions) which in turn made the girls cry. Jeremy was beside himself cuz all us girls were crying and then the girls started screaming/crying saying "Liberty dropped her eyeball" and "Liberty's scary, I don't like her". Jeremy brought her inside and when she walked toward the girls in the living room they screamed and ran to their room. We got her into her carrier and Jeremy made some calls. It would cost almost $900 to have a animal medic come to the house, administer first aid (what he could) and then transport her to a Tucson Animal Hospital. No way. I don't have that kind of money! When he called the AH in Tucson they said it was an emergency and if we could bring her in to be seen because there could be an infection and could go up into her brain if untreated. But then, what was going to be the cost of that? The gas alone would be about $50 round trip, plus the Dr cost and the cost of medicines and crap like that. I told Jeremy I couldn't make the decision. So he did. Right now he's gone with his friend Mike to make Liberty pain-free and I sit here and bawl my eyes out and write this. But it's better than letting her be in pain or letting her go into the wild again to just get killed or attacked again.I don't know that animals really have souls, but I hope Ginita is right and we will see our beloved pets again in Heaven. My little "Lib Lib" will be missed...

Friday, March 4, 2011


So I'm in a dilema. I have to get rid of my cat Liberty before we move into the new place - no pets allowed. I've had her since a couple months after Jeremy and I got married. Even though we have went round and round for her using my bed as a litter box, I still am attached. Jeremy says craigslist her or throw her outside. One, I don't think anyone around here wants an almost 7 year old cat. She is declawed in her front two paws but that wasn't a big problem when we had her outside in NC. Here there are coyotes and mountain lions. Oh, what to do...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Starting Over

So, today Jeremy is offially a civilian again. The last few months have been such a blur. But we are in transition. It feels like we are starting over again. But I know I serve a big God and He won't leave us hanging. We did sign a rental agreement for a place. It's nothing spectacular but it's good for now. Jeremy and I have been talking about trying to rent out our place back in NC instead of selling right now. The market for housing isn't great and we really can not afford to pay the mortgage and utilities there as well as here. We should be starting to fully move in this weekend.