Well since Easter I haven't been doing the Weight Watchers like I am supposed to. I didn't go too crazy being off of it, but I wasn't counting points. My scale wasn't measuring right so Jeremy's mom gave me hers. Unfortunately, embarrassingly, I'm over the weight limit for that one so we have Jeremy get on that one and then onto the other one to measure the difference and then I get on ours that measures wrong and take the same difference off to get the right weight. But today is the day I start up again.
It's difficult for me to come up with recipes and make sure I have all the ingredients. I need to make time to sit down and plan out the week of lunches and dinners.
I've been pretty busy helping Jeremy plus doing my own housework and such. I had my first of 5 diabetes classes last Thursday. The next two Tuesdays and Thursdays I have the 2 hour classes in mid-morning so Jeremy was allowed to go into work late around noon so he is able to watch the girls for me. This is also the final week for Jeremy's classes and then he is off for 3 weeks! Thank goodness! We need this break - uh, I mean he needs this break!
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