Monday, May 16, 2011


Well here we are already into the second half of the month. Time just is speeding by! Jeremy has been working a lot lately. He's had to fire two people, 1 quit and walked out yesterday, and 1 is moving. Plus his boss is going to be leaving as well and a new one is due in. Poor thing had to cook a double today. And will be getting about 16 hour overtime this pay period ending tomorrow. And then who knows how many hour over next week trying to fill in on the shifts. But at least he doesn't have homework! He's on a break until the 31st of June then starts back up with English and Chemistry. Oh boy!
However, I am sooo looking forward to our mini vacation to Vegas in June. We are going up to visit with J's brother's family! I'm so excited to meet my niece whom I haven't met in person yet and who I share a birthday with! :-) J's parents will be up there with us and his grandparents will be driving and spending some of Friday with us.
We actually just got back from a trip up to Wickenburg/Congress. We took J's truck to go get bookshelves from his parents house. What a trip! Lets just say we didn't have the best of luck with his truck. That hunk of metal will not be driven more than 60 miles from home again! We had a good time with J's parents and grandparents on Saturday though. We went to a travel show at the Phx Convention Center. Walked away with t-shirts, a sweater, frisbees, lots of notepads and pens, a BBQ cookbook, a 1 night stay at the Blue Water hotel/casino in Parker, Az (probably won't use), and a 1 night stay with breakfast and a $25 gift certificate to the tackle shop included at a B&B in Alpine, AZ (white mtns). Not too shabby!
The girls are growing too. We are teaching them about gardening and having them turn the water on and off twice a day. They planted seeds a couple weeks ago and J just transferred the seedlings that sprouted out to our big garden. Now we just need to keep all the birds away!
We did finally get renters into our house in NC so that takes a lot of financial stress off of us for now. Our insurance will be taking a big chunk of our checks from now on as our insurance with J's work has kicked in. (Now I just need the cards so I can go to the Dr again.)
That about wraps it up for now. Time for bed!

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